Just a short blog post this week. It's a simple look at whether you have enough fun in your life. I am lucky. I was born into a fun-loving, hilarious family. I never realized that some people don't know how to laugh at themselves or the world around them. Gabby Bernstein says, "When you make fun your primary purpose, you will experience many miracles and be of high service to the world." I love this. I truly and completely agree. Making someone else laugh is at the top of my list of amazing experiences. I'm not talking about the fake laughter of someone trying to impress, pretending like they understand or agreeing because they "should." I'm talking the deep, belly laughter that comes from an inside joke that keeps building and building until it is so ridiculously silly that you can't keep the laughter in. The kind of laughter that makes you hug your sides, snort through your nose, leak tears from your eyes and brings you to the point when you are not even making noise anymore, you're just shaking and wheezing. You have to lean over and hold your knees so you can catch your breath, and keep your eyes off of your buddy, or it will sweep over you again. The kind of laughter you can't hold back and makes you feel like you're going to pee your pants. Everyone should have that. I think it should be one of our main goals in life.
Like the chick in the middle. Priceless. |
Do you?
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