Recently a friend posted in one of my favorite Facebook groups about joining a book club for the new book by one of our favorite authors, Gabrielle Bernstein. It's called May Cause Miracles. It literally just became available to the public. It's a 40 day guidebook written by a meditation guru. Hmmm, definitely a sign. So I ordered one for myself and one for my sister so she can join the book club that I created for this very purpose. I'm hoping others will join us. (If you're reading this, feel free to join us! Here's the link!) We will begin the 40 days this coming Sunday, January 27, since Gabby suggests that you start on a Sunday.
So far I have read the introduction. My favorite quote so far is "Simply put, every time you choose love over fear is a miracle." I love this definition of miracle because it simplifies it and makes it accessible to everyone, all religions including atheist. In my last blog post, Religion is Just a Language, I talk about how the words we choose to describe our spirituality can sometimes create barriers and this definition serves to include us all.
Since we are starting our 40 day journey next Sunday this week is for preparation. I will locate my meditation pillow and make it accessible. I will figure out when to set my alarm to give myself enough time for meditation before work. I will set aside some time at night to meditate. I will go through my traveling altar and make sure everything is there and that I have matches or a lighter and my timer. I should dust off my journal that I haven't written in since December 23, 2012. (I just located it and opened it to see when the last time was.) And last of all, I am going to read the "Week 1" intro to prepare for Sunday.
Join me if you'd like, I think it is going to be a blast!
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